Category Archives: Maryland Foods

WOOT Granola

Sweet, salty and spicy are not at the top of the list of words to describe most types of granola. That’s not the case for the flavorful WOOT Granola.

Gail Fishman started WOOT after her daughter, Sasha, suggested that mom bake granola. After her daughter’s suggestion, Gail began making a nutritional and organic granola full of dried fruits, nuts and spices. Her granola was a huge hit with friends and family. From then on, Gail began to sell her granola at farmers markets, select stores and online.

The granola is full of flavors. Sweet, salty and spicy are atop those tastes. WOOT currently features four different flavors: Raisin Walnut, Pumpkin Pear Crunch, Moroccan Fruit & Nut and Cherry Pecan (available wheat free).

All four flavors of WOOT Granola. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

All four flavors of WOOT Granola. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

The Cherry Pecan and Pumpkin Pear Crunch were by far my two favorites. Huge chunks of sweet and spicy granola are the base of these flavors. Cherry Pecan adds crunchy pecans and sweet cherries and the Pumpkin Pear Crunch has a spicy-sweet pumpkin vanilla spice mix. Both were great.

Cherry Pecan Granola. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Cherry Pecan Granola. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Pumpkin Pear Crunch Granola. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Pumpkin Pear Crunch Granola. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

The granola flavors are great for snacking, on top of yogurts or with milk in the mornings.

Take a look online for more information on this Maryland-made gem, and while you’re on the site make a purchase of this fantastic granola.


WOOT Granola is on Twitter and Instagram.


Until next time. I wish you GoodEats!




Edited by Jared Kurlander.

Baltimore in a Box

Are you ever looking for the perfect gift? How about something that is perfect for a Baltimorean or an ex-Marylander?

If you answered yes or are just looking for a fun and creative gift, I have the perfect gift.

Earlier this year, Maryland resident Ross Nochumowitz started Baltimore in a Box. Nochumowitz would constantly see shoppers compiling packages full of Baltimore related items. He decided to take his love for Baltimore and make an online shop allowing customers to fill packages with Baltimore-based items.

Baltimore in a Box and everything included. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Baltimore in a Box and everything included. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Baltimore in a Box allows customers to customize their boxes from a list of products. Gifts include: Berger Cookies, National Bohemian memorabilia, Old Bay Seasoning, Fisher’s Popcorn, Otterbein’s Sugar Cookies, Baltimore Orioles and Ravens stickers, just to name a few.

My favorites of the box were Fisher’s Popcorn, Mouth Party Caramel and Otterbein’s Sugar Cookie. Fisher’s Popcorn and Otterbein’s Cookies are something I grew up on. Mouth Party Caramel is a local caramel manufacturer. They were tasty, especially the chocolate sea salt caramels.

Fisher's Popcorn Bag included in the box. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Fisher’s Popcorn Bag included in the box. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Mouth Party Caramel included in the box. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Mouth Party Caramel included in the box. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Otterbein's Sugar Cookies included in the box. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

Otterbein’s Sugar Cookies included in the box. Photo by Taylor Seidel/TU Student.

The website even includes a “Suggest” page, which allows viewers to suggest an item they would like to see in the box. Just think of your favorite Baltimore item and suggest it and maybe you’ll see it in a Baltimore Box.

The box now retails for $35 for five items and $60 for your choice of ten items. One or two bonus surprises are added to your box for free. The box ships domestically for absolutely nothing.

If you’re looking for a perfect gift for any occasion look no further. Baltimore in a Box is a great compilation of treats, sweets and fun Baltimore memorabilia.

For more information please check out Baltimore in a Box’s website.

Until next time. I wish you GoodEats!

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Edited by Jared Kurlander.